Lab - Using Wireshark to Examine TCP and UDP
Topology – Part 1 (FTP)
Part 1 will highlight a TCP capture of an FTP
session. This topology consists of a PC with Internet access.

Topology – Part 2 (TFTP)
Part 2 will highlight a UDP capture of a
TFTP session. The PC must have both an Ethernet connection and a console
connection to Switch S1.

Addressing Table (Part 2)
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
Part 1: Identify TCP Header Fields
and Operation Using a Wireshark FTP Session Capture
Part 2: Identify UDP Header Fields
and Operation Using a Wireshark TFTP Session Capture
Background / Scenario
Two protocols in the TCP/IP transport layer are
TCP (defined in RFC 761) and UDP (defined in RFC 768). Both
protocols support upper-layer protocol communication. For example, TCP is used
to provide transport layer support for the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and FTP
protocols, among others. UDP provides transport layer support for the Domain Name System (DNS) and TFTP, among others.
Note: Understanding the
parts of the TCP and UDP headers and operation are a critical skill for network
In Part 1 of this lab, you will use the Wireshark
open source tool to capture and analyze TCP protocol header fields for FTP file
transfers between the host computer and an anonymous FTP server. The Windows
command line utility is used to connect to an anonymous FTP server and download a file. In
Part 2 of this lab, you will use Wireshark to capture and analyze UDP header
fields for TFTP file transfers between the host computer and S1.
Note: The switch used is a Cisco Catalyst 2960s with Cisco IOS Release
15.0(2) (lanbasek9 image). Other switches and Cisco IOS versions can be used. Depending
on the model and Cisco IOS version, the available commands and the output
produced might vary from what displays in the labs.
Note: Make sure that the switch has been erased and has no startup
configurations. If you are unsure, contact your instructor.
Note: Part 1 assumes the
PC has Internet access and cannot be performed using Netlab. Part 2 is Netlab
Required Resources – Part 1 (FTP)
1 PC (Windows 7 or 8 with command
prompt access, Internet access, and Wireshark installed)
Required Resources – Part 2 (TFTP)
1 Switch (Cisco 2960 with Cisco
IOS Release 15.0(2) lanbasek9 image or comparable)
1 PC (Windows 7 or 8 with
Wireshark and a TFTP server, such as tftpd32 installed)
Console cable to configure the
Cisco IOS devices via the console port
Ethernet cable as shown in the
Part 1:
Identify TCP Header Fields and Operation
Using a Wireshark FTP Session Capture
In Part 1, you use Wireshark to capture
an FTP session and inspect TCP header fields.
Step 1:
Start a Wireshark capture.
Close all unnecessary network
traffic, such as the web browser, to limit the amount traffic during the
Wireshark capture.
Start the Wireshark capture.
Step 2:
Download the Readme file.
From the command prompt, enter ftp
Log into the FTP site for
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) with user anonymous and no password.

Locate and download the Readme
file by entering the ls command to
list the files.

Enter the command get Readme to download the file. When
the download is complete, enter the command quit to exit.

Step 3:
Stop the Wireshark capture.
Step 4:
View the Wireshark main window.
Wireshark captured many packets during
the FTP session to To limit
the amount of data for analysis, type tcp and ip.addr == in the Filter: entry area and click Apply. The IP address,, is the
address for at this time.

Step 5:
Analyze the TCP fields.
After the TCP filter has been applied, the first three frames in the packet list
pane (top section) display the transport layer protocol TCP
creating a reliable session. The sequence of [SYN], [SYN, ACK], and
[ACK] illustrates the three-way handshake.

TCP is routinely used during a session
to control datagram delivery, verify datagram arrival, and manage window size.
For each data exchange between the FTP client and FTP server, a new TCP session
is started. At the conclusion of the data transfer, the TCP session is closed. When the
FTP session is finished, TCP performs an orderly shutdown and termination.
In Wireshark, detailed TCP information
is available in the packet details pane (middle section). Highlight the first
TCP datagram from the host computer, and expand the TCP datagram. The
expanded TCP datagram appears similar to the packet detail pane
shown below.

The image above is a TCP
datagram diagram. An explanation of each field is provided for reference:
The TCP source port number belongs to the TCP session host that opened
a connection. The value is normally a random value above 1,023.
The TCP destination port number is used to identify the upper layer
protocol or application on the remote site. The values in the range 0–1,023
represent the “well-known ports” and are associated with popular services and
applications (as described in RFC 1700), such as Telnet, FTP, and HTTP. The
combination of the source IP address, source port, destination IP address, and
destination port uniquely identifies the session to the sender and receiver.
Note: In the Wireshark capture below, the destination
port is 21, which is FTP. FTP servers listen on port 21 for FTP client
The Sequence number specifies the number of the last octet in a
The Acknowledgment number specifies the next octet expected by the
The Code bits have a special meaning in session management and in the
treatment of segments. Among interesting values are:
ACK — Acknowledgement of a
segment receipt.
SYN — Synchronize, only set
when a new TCP session is negotiated during the TCP three-way handshake.
FIN — Finish, the request to
close the TCP session.
The Window size is the value of the sliding window. It determines how
many octets can be sent before waiting for an acknowledgement.
The Urgent pointer is only used with an Urgent (URG) flag when the sender
needs to send urgent data to the receiver.
The Options has only one option currently, and it is defined as the
maximum TCP segment size (optional value).
Using the Wireshark capture of the first
TCP session startup (SYN bit set to 1), fill in information about the TCP
From the PC to CDC server (only the SYN
bit is set to 1):
Source IP address
Destination IP address
Source port
Destination port number
Sequence number
Acknowledgement number
Header length
Window size
In the second Wireshark filtered
capture, the CDC FTP server acknowledges the request from the
PC. Note the values of the SYN and ACK bits.

Fill in the following information
regarding the SYN-ACK message.
Source IP address
Destination IP address
Source port number
Destination port number
Sequence number
Acknowledgement number
Header length
Window size
In the final stage of
the negotiation to establish communications, the PC sends an acknowledgement message to
the server. Notice only the ACK bit is set to 1, and the Sequence number has been incremented to 1.

Fill in the following information
regarding the ACK message.
Source IP address
Destination IP address
Source port number
Destination port number
Sequence number
Acknowledgement number
Header length
Window size
How many other TCP datagrams contained a
SYN bit?
manages communication much differently than UDP because reliability and
guaranteed delivery requires additional control over the communication channel.
After a TCP session is established, FTP
traffic can occur between the PC and FTP server. The FTP client and server communicate
with each other, unaware that TCP has control and management over the
session. When the FTP server sends a Response:
220 to the FTP client, the TCP session on the FTP client sends an
acknowledgment to the TCP session on the server. This sequence is visible in
the Wireshark capture below.

When the FTP session has finished, the
FTP client sends a command to “quit”. The FTP server acknowledges the FTP
termination with a Response: 221 Goodbye.
At this time, the FTP server TCP session sends a TCP datagram to the FTP client,
announcing the termination of the TCP session. The FTP client TCP session
acknowledges receipt of the termination datagram, then sends its own TCP
session termination. When the originator of the TCP termination (the FTP
server) receives a duplicate termination, an ACK datagram is sent to
acknowledge the termination and the TCP session is closed. This sequence is visible
in the diagram and capture below.

By applying an ftp filter, the entire sequence of the FTP traffic can be examined in Wireshark. Notice the sequence of the
events during this FTP session. The username anonymous was used to retrieve the Readme file. After the file
transfer completed, the
user ended the FTP session.

Apply the TCP filter again in Wireshark to examine the termination of the TCP
session. Four packets are transmitted for the termination of the TCP session.
Because TCP connection is full-duplex, each direction must terminate
independently. Examine the source and destination addresses.
In this example, the FTP server has no
more data to send in the stream. It sends a segment with the FIN flag set in
frame 149. The PC sends an ACK to acknowledge the receipt of the FIN to
terminate the session from the server to the client in frame 150.
In frame 151, the PC sends a
FIN to the FTP server to terminate the TCP session. The FTP server responds
with an ACK to acknowledge the FIN from the PC in frame 152. Now
the TCP session terminated between the FTP server and PC.

Part 2:
Identify UDP Header Fields and Operation
Using a Wireshark TFTP Session Capture
In Part 2, you use Wireshark
to capture a TFTP session and inspect the UDP header fields.
Step 1:
Set up this physical topology
and prepare for TFTP capture.

Establish a console and
Ethernet connection between PC-A and S1.
Manually configure the IP
address on the PC to It is not required to set the default gateway.
Configure the switch. Assign an
IP address of to VLAN 1. Verify connectivity with the PC by pinging Troubleshoot as necessary.
Switch> enable
Switch# conf
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)# host S1
S1(config)# interface
vlan 1
S1(config-if)# ip address
S1(config-if)# no shut
*Mar 1
00:37:50.166: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Vlan1, changed state to up
*Mar 1
00:37:50.175: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan1, changed
state to up
S1(config-if)# end
S1# ping
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to,
timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip
min/avg/max = 1/203/1007 ms
d. Save the running
configuration to NVRAM.
S1# copy run start
Step 2:
Prepare the TFTP server on the
If it does not already exist, create
a folder on the PC desktop called TFTP.
The files from the switch will be copied to this location.
Start tftpd32 on the PC.
Click Browse and change the current directory to C:\Users\user1\Desktop\TFTP by replacing user1 with your username.
The TFTP server should look like this:

Notice that in Current Directory, it
lists the user and the Server (PC-A) interface with the IP address of
Test the ability to copy a file
using TFTP from the switch to the PC. Troubleshoot as necessary.
S1# copy
start tftp
Address or name of remote host []?
Destination filename [s1-confg]?
1638 bytes copied in 0.026 secs (63000 bytes/sec)
If you see that the file has been copied then you are ready to go on to the next step.
If the file has not been copied, troubleshoot as needed. If you get the %Error
opening tftp (Permission denied) error, determine
whether your firewall is blocking TFTP and whether you are copying the file to
a location where your username has adequate permission, such as the desktop.
Step 3:
Capture a TFTP session in
Open Wireshark. From the Edit menu, choose Preferences and click
the (+) sign to expand Protocols. Scroll
down and select UDP. Click the Validate the UDP checksum if possible
check box and click Apply. Then
click OK.

Start a Wireshark capture.
Run the copy start tftp command on the switch.
Stop the Wireshark capture.

the filter to tftp. Your output
should look similar to the output shown above. This TFTP transfer is used to
analyze transport layer UDP operations.
Detailed UDP information is available in
the Wireshark packet details pane. Highlight the first UDP datagram from the
host computer and move the mouse pointer to the packet details pane. It may be
necessary to adjust the packet details pane and expand the UDP record by
clicking the protocol expand box. The expanded UDP datagram should look similar
to the diagram below.

The figure below is a UDP datagram
diagram. Header information is sparse, compared to the TCP datagram. Similar to
TCP, each UDP datagram is identified by the UDP source port and UDP destination

Using the Wireshark capture of the first
UDP datagram, fill in information about the UDP header. The checksum value is a
hexadecimal (base 16) value, denoted by the preceding 0x code:
Source IP address
Destination IP address
Source port number
Destination port number
UDP message length
UDP checksum
How does UDP verify datagram integrity?
__________ TCP manages communication much differently than UDP
because reliability and guaranteed delivery requires additional control over
the communication channel. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Examine the first frame returned from the
tftpd server. Fill in the information about the UDP header:
Source IP address
Destination IP address
Source port number
Destination port number
UDP message length
UDP checksum

Notice that the return UDP datagram has a
different UDP source port, but this source port is used for the remainder of
the TFTP transfer. Because there is no reliable connection, only the original
source port used to begin the TFTP session is used to maintain the TFTP
notice that the UDP Checksum is incorrect. This is most likely caused by UDP
checksum offload. You can learn more about why this happens by searching for
“UDP checksum offload”.
This lab provided the opportunity to analyze
TCP and UDP protocol operations from captured FTP and TFTP sessions. How does
TCP manage communication differently than UDP?
_______UDP has
less overhead and control, and the upper-layer protocol must provide some type
of acknowledgement control both protocols, however transport data between
clients and server using application layer
protocols. _______________________________________________________________________________
Because neither FTP or TFTP are secure protocols, all transferred data is
sent in clear text. This includes any user IDs, passwords, or
clear-text file contents. Analyzing the upper-layer FTP session will
quickly identify the user ID, password, and configuration file passwords.
Upper-layer TFTP data examination is more complicated, but the data field can
be examined, and the configuration’s user ID and password information extracted.
Unless directed otherwise by your
Remove the files that were
copied to your PC.
Erase the configurations on S1.
Remove the manual IP address
from the PC and restore Internet connectivity.
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